Size: 8-story, 313 bed hospital
GC: Turner Healthcare
Electrical Crew: 10 journeymen and apprentice electricians
Scope: Demanding fast-track project entailed comprehensive upgrade to emergency power system: installation of 800kW emergency generator on facility’s roof; 7 new automatic transfer switches, ranging from 225A to 800A; new 2000A switchboard with ground fault protection. Demolition of existing normal and emergency power distribution equipment was integral to scope. Also provided construction and fit-up of new emergency electric room.
- Hoisted new 30,000-pound generator to 8th floor roof via a 340-ton crane
- Installation of 1200A emergency ME cable feeders, run from basement to 8th floor through existing shafts
- Maintained existing emergency power throughout construction
- Project timeline: 6-months
Unique Project Challenge: Maintaining emergency power at fully operational hospital was critically important and achieved by running a temporary 2000A feeder from an existing generator to backfeed the existing emergency switchboard. This allowed for removal of emergency twin generators and construction of new emergency electric room.